I am one of seven people Shawna from the Mystics, Poets and Fools blogs has chosen for a meme.
Here's how she describes it:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Present an image of martial discord (as in "war," not as in "marriage") from whatever period or situation you’d like.
Seven facts about me:
1. I was going to piggyback on Shawna's "lousy housekeeper" with an amen, sister. But I was a good housekeeper when my house was on the rental market. So maybe I'd be better off to say that, most of the time, a "little" dust in the corners is not my top priority.
2. I love to read (there just may be some connection between that and the afore-mentioned dust). I read my first chapter book ever in the second grade: It was called "B is for Betsy."
3. I am not terribly fond of cold weather. But I like the look of snow. From a window.
4. Roger and I honeymooned in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. In January. The average temperature was about 0 degrees. My hair froze in the outdoor hot tub.
5. I was christened and confirmed in the Lutheran church. I left Lutheranism about 12 years ago to become a Christ-centered Quaker.
6. I almost majored in art history in college, then decided to be "practical" and major in ... English. OK. (A little known fact is that I also majored in history.) In graduate school, I wrote my master's thesis on Thomas Hardy.
7. My first child was delivered by a midwife (though in a hospital); the second two being twins, the midwife practice wasn't allowed to handle the birth. However, I was probably one of the last women in the Baltimore-Washington area to find a obstetrician who would deliver a footling breech. Yes, Will, the second twin, popped out foot first and my doctor, a Pakistani woman, pulled him out by that foot. He's been fine ever since, but Roger said his little head was pointy from the birth.
The martial discord picture above is Picasso's Guernica.
My tagged people are: Roger, Bill, Peggy, Erica, Eugene, Stephen, Ted.
I didn't know you have twins- I am one myself!
And yes, I think there is a correlation between numbers 1 and 2... at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
It was nice getting to know you a bit! I did mine as well!
Thanks, Diane, for including me!
I've long appreciated your comments over at "Jesus Creed," and now I see, at long, at last you have your own blog. I'll link to it- going to my myriad of blogs on my sidebar.
I will get to this, but probably not until Saturday or next week, I'm guessing.
Interesting to learn about you on those seven facts. I certainly can identify with the reading part. Wherever I go, in time many books seem to follow.
Thanks, again.
Yaayy, You!
Mission accomplished. Good job.
So, your dislike of cold weather just naturally led to a honeymoon in Wyoming in January. So that no matter what happened, the rest of the marriage would look good by comparison?
Thanks for playing, Diane.
Hi Ted! You're of course a favorite Jesus Creeder. Glad you're doing this and I will look forward to reading your seven "facts."
Thanks for picking me for this! Yes, ironic, isn't it, that I honeymooned in Wyoming in January, when I don't like being cold. I put that in I think with the idea that all of us (or at least me!) are the sum of our contradictions. I stopped making sense a long time ago and haven't looked back since.
My 20 minute older twin, Nick, calls himself "the middle child." Makes me laugh!
Hey, girlfriend!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment and blog address! I will get around to the meme soon ... I've been memed a lot, so I'll have to see who I can tag -- again! LOL :^)
I look forward to hearing what you have to say about The Shack. Of course, anyone who wants to know what I have to say can link over to my blog ... there's plenty there ;^)
Happy moving! Glad you found just the right family for your lovely home.
Catch you soon....
Hi Diane,
I have finally discovered your blog and will look forward to staying in touch during your adventure in Barnesville! Will miss your presence here in Maryland, especially in the Seton Hill Worship group. Just finally getting to know you and then you are called away. Found your blog through the convergent friends blogs as I spent a week with Robin Mohr in the Primitive Quakerism in a Post Modern World workshop. I had know idea this whole community existed but I am clearly led in this direction and am just now seeing the breadth and depth. Tomorow heading off for annual sessions at Frostberg and hoping to get some conversation going about Convergent Friends!!
Joan L
Hi Joan!
Primitive Quakerism in a Postmodern world sounds right up our alleys! Best wishes at annual sessions. I will miss you!
Hey, Diane,
Here's the link to my post:
Happy packing ;^)
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