Monday, October 19, 2009

Persimmon Cake

Our persimmons are now "well-frosted"--or at least, somewhat frosted--and so I picked some. I've discovered they're best when they turn bright orange, almost the color of a cherry tomato, and are beginning to shrivel.

When I'd gathered enough, I whipped them into a pulp in the food processor and made a persimmon cake from a recipe I found on the Web.

I served it at the Quaker Writing group meeting this evening. It was the color and texture of an English plum pudding, a moist, dense cake. The "tasters" --aka the writing group--liked it. I was glad.

I was informed that you can frost persimmons by picking them and putting them in the freezer. Now why didn't I think of that? I was also told that November and December are more the months for persimmons, but we have had a cold snap recently.

In any case, the golden and orange persimmon globes are colorful and pretty in the tree. People in Barnesville with persimmon experience tell me I should try an actual persimmon pudding. Maybe I will.

This is all the more thrilling for me as I am reading a book now called Jane Austen and Food. After her father died, according to this book, Jane and her mother and her sister Cassandra lived in a "cottage" called Chawton, with a big garden surrounded by high walls. They grew pears and greengages and many other fruits (and vegetables) and made their own jams, jellies and preserves. So as I baked with persimmons, I liked thinking that Jane Austen would have done the same.


Hystery said...

I don't think I've ever seen a persimmon but I have enjoyed reading about yours. Something about the idea of making a cake with them brings forth gladness in me. I love old-fashioned things and the thrill of "discovering" the genius of my ancestors.

Diane said...

Thanks Hystery,

I didn't know what a persimmon looked like until I landed here. If someone hadn't pointed the tree out to me, it would never have dawned on me that the fruit was edible--or persimmon. So it has been an unexpected treat. I love the old-fashioned things too.

Linda J Wilk said...

Hystery -- Could I persuade you to print your recipe here? I've never cooked a persimmon, but I know where some are growing, and I'd love to try it! Thanks for the tip. Linda